ANPR - automatic license plate recognition system
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SANITEX - number plate recognition system (BLS logistic)

ANPR > Projects
Our customers have been formulated task to install the number plate recognition system to carry out the following functions:

Scan different countries license plates;
Perform data exchange with the already existing database (MySQL);
With traffic lights regulate the entry and exit of cargo vehicles and a side parking traffic (two for entry, two for exit, one side court). As the lines are - four, barriers and only two, so essential requirement - traffic management;
Data for security personnel should be provided thrue the Web application;
To collect information on all arrivals, departures and the activities undertaken to transport;
Different types of cars arrivs and departures with different conditions. VIP - enters and leaves with a priority and immediately raised barriers. All others will automatically enter and exit only after authorized security personnel visual inspection;

The project is carried out in cooperation with UAB Magveda that each company selects the most appropriate solutions at a fair price and contract work performed by the extremely high quality.
ANPR - LPR - plate recognition - BLS
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